Submit An Event

Check out Lively Times’ online event submission form. Use our submission tool to reach Montanans and tourists alike via our website, as well as Montana Public Radio’s performing arts calendar.

Use the tool and reach more readers: By entering your event information and hitting the submit button, you have the potential to reach visitors in Montana and around the globe. Give it try and spread the word!

Tips on the tool

We’re happy to host the most state-of-the-art submission tool around. A few tips on using it:

  • Event descriptions: You’ll notice that descriptions are limited to 1,000 characters (or roughly 150 words). Please be succinct, and avoid superlatives such as Best ever! World’s greatest! Just the facts please: This is not an advertisement (although we can help with that too) – we’re just letting folks know what’s going on. Keep in mind: we edit all submissions.

We won’t accept submissions written in ALL CAPS.

If 150 words aren’t enough, please feel free to also email a press release to [email protected].

  • Venue information: Lively Times already has all of the major venues in Montana in its database, and many of the smaller ones as well, including art galleries, and bars and breweries that host live music. Before adding a new venue, please check to see if it’s already on our list by typing the venue name in the field.
  • Images: Photographs and graphics help your event stand out on our busy calendar. A few tips: Images need to be fairly large (at least 800 pixels wide by 533 pixels deep), and preferably square of horizontal format. Please make sure the image is approved for promotional use by the photographer or events promoter for reproduction by Lively Times and its media partners. Please remember to credit the photographer or artist (Photo by ….) and to include an image caption, if appropriate.
    Note: All modern browsers are supported. Images submissions will not work on browsers older than Internet Explorer 10.
Submit An Event Now!