Red Lodge artist Andrea Moon, whose works are on display July 24-Aug. 10 at O. Gallery in Livingston, with artist Brooke White, says she creates sculptures “to confront personal transitions, reminisce about vulnerable layers, and challenge structure.”
She grew up in northwest Ohio and earned her BFA at Bowling Green State University; she completed her MFA at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, and now serves as the residency and communications coordinator of the Red Lodge Clay Center.
Along the way, she was a visiting assistant professor at Texas A&M International University in ceramics and sculpture, and an artist-in-residence at the Arrowmont School of Art and Craft in Gatlinburg, TN, and the Red Lodge Clay Center.
In 2012, she participated in an artist-invite-artist group show at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts in Newcastle, ME. She was chosen as a finalist for the Raphael Founder’s Prize by the Society of Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh, PA, and her artwork will travel through April 2016 with the related exhibition.
Her current sculptural forms explore domesticity. “As bricks are used to build a home, I build with multiple clay parts to make a larger vessel,” she writes. “As I build these forms, I am also exploring different ideas of shelters and dwellings as a means to find a sense of place and home.”
Her work also reflects a sense of balance and “graciousness toward my present, past, and future.”
See her ceramic sculptures at andreamoon.com.