Shoot-outs, cowboy poetry, and stagecoaches are part of the fun during Bannack Days.
This coming weekend, the old ghost town of Bannack comes alive in a celebration of pioneer life. Come see what the old West was really like! The annual Bannack Days Festival is held on July 18 and 19 at Bannack State Park.
Bring the family out to Bannack State Park for a fun-filled weekend. Exciting festival activities include horse and wagon rides, shoot-outs, gold-panning, and candle-making. Cowboy poetry and old-time music are performed throughout both days. Visitors can also check out a mountain men camp, blacksmith shop, surveyor’s camp, the Great Debate on women’s suffrage, and an 1800s U. S. Cavalry camp. There is something for everyone, along with plenty of tasty food and drink.
As for the schedule of events, don’t miss the stagecoach from Virginia City when it arrives at 1 p.m. on Sunday. Rumor has it that Governor Edgerton and other dignitaries will be aboard, along with a big gold shipment. Road Agent activity has been noted recently along the road between Bannack to Virginia City: the Vigilantes have issued notice that anyone caught engaging in criminal activity will be the guest of honor at a necktie party! Sunday also boasts old-time church services, the blacksmith, and the stage holdup.
The Bannack Days Festival runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, and from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday. Visitors are encouraged to dress in period costumes to get into the spirit of the festival.
Admission is $5 per car for Montana-registered vehicles, and $10 for out-of-state vehicles. Please carpool if possible, as parking is limited.
Bannack State Park asks that you please do not bring pets to this event. Visit bannack.org to learn more about the festival, or download a schedule of events here.