Gingers on Ice – comedians Jacob Godbey and Alex Tait - are part of the Fringe Festival line-up
Zootown Fringe Festival, Aug. 16-20, in downtown Missoula and beyond, is “Riding the Fringe of Time” with its fourth annual performance-art smörgåsbord. The unique event continues to celebrate and honor alternative theater, music and visual art in various venues, from front porches to the Clark Fork River.
The Opening Ceremony welcomes this year’s participants, sponsors and audience members in cabaret fashion, 7 p.m. Aug. 16 at the Crystal Theater ($10-$13).
Other highlights include:
- Porchfest, 2-10 p.m. Aug. 17, is a progressive porch concert series held on the 200 and 300 block of S. 4th St. W. and in front of KettleHouse Southside where porches become venues and streets become art galleries replete with a food and beverage court. Performers include Cash for Junkers, Micki Singer Allstars, D. Ryan, Phyllis Erch and the Ruby Jewel Band, TheOrganism, Montana A Cappella Society, Carla Green and Marlene Hutchins, Andrea Harsell, Mark Kersting and Matthew Nord-Living Rhythm Community Drum Circle.
- Naked Lady Clothing Swap, 5-9 p.m. Aug. 17, invites women of all walks of life to satisfy their foraging urges by swapping much-loved women’s fashion at the Crystal Theater. A female DJ, fashion consultant, make-up artist and the Silk Road’s Fringe menu add to the affair.
- The River FringeAdventure, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 18, brings audience members safely through the Alberton Gorge to experience San Francisco trio Word/Dance Production’s “A Word Inside Itself” and a visit by time-traveler Captain Clark (Ritchie Doyle).
Expect the unexpected at the fourth annual Zootown Fringe Festival Fringe Comedy Cabaret, 8 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Crystal Theater, features stand-up, improv, physical, musical and situational comedy. Pale People end the evening with a full set of music.
- Lolo Fringe, Aug. 18 at Dunrovin Ranch, includes a workshop hosted by Figment, a Seattle duo, music by Charla Bauman, a farm-to-table dinner, Equine Art Extravaganza, and a fire-pit performance by Doyle as Captain Clark and Hawk Hurst as an 1830s mountain man.
- The River Fringe Float, noon Aug. 19, begins at Le Petite Outre with music by Woodblind, and more music on the river leading to the River Fringe at 5 p.m. beneath the Higgins Ave. Bridge. Enjoy a live broadcast by KBGA of interviews and music by D. Ryan, Mark Chase, Chris Sand and others. The evening wraps up with aerial dance performances by MASC Artisans and Aerial Acts of Bozeman, and a poi dance by Fire in the Attic and MASC.
Traditional and non-traditional theater continues Friday and Saturday evening at the Crystal Theater.
For a complete schedule, visit www.zootownfringe.org.