Michael Marsolek and Lawrence Duncan guide A Musical Dreamtime Journey concerts.

Lawrence Duncan and Michael Marsolek of the Drum Brothers and Dolce Canto bring their annual Musical Dreamtime Journey concerts to five Montana towns, beginning Dec. 15.
These annual concerts, which celebrate the season of lights and winter solstice, have been presented around the region for more than two decades. Each performance features a variety of world instruments and sounds, including: didgeridoos, ethnic flutes, bassoon, saxophones, drums and percussion instruments, harp, Tibetan bowls, voices and other musical surprises.
Unique to the world of performing arts, the Dreamtime Journey concerts are held without applause, in the round, and by candlelight. And for contemplative comfort, participants are encouraged to bring pillows, pads and blankets. Chairs are also available for those who need them.
For many attendees, the Musical Dreamtime Journey has become an annual holiday tradition and a great way to de-stress during the sometimes-frenetic season.
Concerts begin at 7 p.m. sharp; tickets are $12 in advance and $16 at the door (children must be 10 and older).
Dreamtime dates and venues
Bozeman: Dec. 15 at Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2118 S. 3rd Ave.
Great Falls: Dec. 16 at First Congregational Church, 2900 9th Ave. S.
Missoula: Dec. 21 at Saint Anthony Parish, 217 Tremont St.
Whitefish: Dec. 22 at the O’Shaughnessy Center, 1 Central Ave.
Bigfork: Dec. 23 at Community United Methodist Church, 750 Electric Ave.
About the performers
Lawrence Duncan lives and works as a musician with his partner Mary Werner a few blocks from downtown Missoula. He is employed as a Music Thanatologist by Hospice of Missoula, and as a performer and workshop co-facilitator with Drum Brothers World Rhythm ensemble based in Arlee. Bassoon, soprano saxophone, flutes and recorders, West African percussion, harp, voice and EWI are some of the instruments he plays as a performer and in his work as a contemplative musician.
Michael Marsolek of the Drum Brothers is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist who performs on numerous drums and percussion instruments, didgeridoo and Native American flute. Now in his 12th season with Dolce Canto’s a cappella chorus, he has been collaborating with Lawrence Duncan on the Musical Dreamtime Journey events for more than 20 years.
He has appeared with the world music ensembles Mandir and Tapas, and has performed on over 15 recordings since 1996. Marsolek has worked at Montana Public Radio since 1989 and served as the network’s program director since 2001.
Call 406-370-3339 or visit www.drumbrothers.com