Montana Professional Artists Association’s 17th annual Art Show and Sale brightens the Bitterroot River Inn in Hamilton June 10-12 with works by 18 signature members of the organization.

The association, which originated in 1993, has shown in the Bitterroot River Inn since 2004. “The COVID pandemic in 2020 found us shuttered, as were all art shows that year,” says MPAA president and accomplished bronze sculptor Mari Bolen. The following year “found us bouncing back to share our art and creative skills with our loyal patrons and many new collectors.”
The booths are wide open and traffic flows easily in the showroom, “so patrons don’t feel crowded,” she adds of the spacious venue.
This year’s event offers styles ranging from super realism to abstract contemporary works. Hanging art includes original oils, pastels, acrylics and watercolors by an array of juried fine artists, representing Montana from border to border. Bronze sculptures and photography are also part of the mix.
New faces at this year’s show include Jennifer Eli Indreland of Billings with her unique painted wildlife skulls; Brent Helnore from Olney and his hand-carved fish, capturing species that swim Montana rivers; Vickie Edwards of Charlo, who works in cold wax and oil; Deborah Mckenna of Bozeman with magnificent paintings of animals in oil on Venetian plaster or canvas; and Suzette Del Rae of Hamilton, who paints in oils on copper and canvas.
These artists join the other signature painters and sculptors of MPAA for the three-day show, which opens Friday, June 10, with a reception from 5-10 p.m. Meet the artists and enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres, with a cash bar. The doors are open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, with painting and sculpture demonstrations on tap all day. Admission is free.
MPAA also hosts its annual Invitational Show, Sept. 16-18 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Missoula. For more information, find the group on Facebook or visit