Anaconda Ensemble Theatre stages The Harvest, a Montana original by Jason Pyette.
Continuing with the tradition of producing new plays and highlighting Montana artists, Anaconda Ensemble Theatre (AET) is presenting the Southwest Montana premiere of The Harvest by Havre actor and playwright Jason Pyette. The production opens April 26-28 and continues May 3-5 at The Little Theatre at the Anaconda Junior/Senior High School, located at 515 Main St.

Pyette, founder of Montana Actors Theatre, is planning to attend the production with a group of Havre theatre patrons.
The Harvest tells the story of a Montana farm family coming to grips with a changing world. Six adult children face the reality of aging parents, the grim economics of a small family wheat farm, and the conflict of their own personalities and histories as they return home to help cut the crop.
Montana Actors Theatre premiered The Harvest in Havre in 2022 at the Montana Actors Theatre. The Anaconda production marks the second time this yet-to-be published play has ever been produced.
Directed and produced by AET’s founding artistic director Jackie Vetter, the cast features Anaconda residents Alice Spritz, Brent Markee and Nikki Johnson, Butte residents Caleb Hill, David Coleman II, Mikey O’Brien and James ‘Hammy’ Ouellette Jr., and Cheyenne Mikkelsen of Livingston.
The Artistic/Tech Team includes Steve Collins, co-scene designer (Anaconda), Sonia Antar costume designer (Bozeman), Carolyn Orosco, sound designer (San Antonio), Elijah Jones, light operator (Butte), Bridgett Petritz, sound operator (Butte). House manager is HL Meeks, and Kai Jackman and Natalie Evans are on box-office duty.
The Harvest is rated-R due to adult language and AET recommends the show for ages 16 and up. Email [email protected].
Shows are 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $20 for general admissions and $25 for general admission, premium reserved seating and are available now at www.anacondaensembletheatre.com or by calling 406-200-8084.
AET was formed in 2022, and is an Anaconda-based non-profit theatre, whose mission is to create culture for the community by empowering artists to engage and challenge audiences.