Groundbreaking banjo player,composer and bandleader Béla Fleck has reconvened the original Flecktones, the extraordinary initial line-up of his Grammy-Award-winning jazz fusion bluegrass band. “Rocket Science” marks the first recording by the first fab four Flecktones in almost two decades, with pianist/harmonica player Howard Levy back in the fold alongside Fleck, bassist Victor Wooten, and percussionist/ Drumitarist” Roy “Futureman” Wooten. The Wood Brothers, who were at Kettlehouse last summer with Tedeschi Trucks Band, also perform on the heels of a new album, “One Drop of Truth.”
- Venue:
KettleHouse Amphitheater
100 Cold Smoke LaneBonner, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
- Date(s):
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Music Performing Arts