Based on the smash hit 1991 Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast tells the story of Belle, a beautiful and intelligent young woman who feels out of place in her provincial French village. When her father is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Belle’s attempt to rescue him leads to her capture by the Beast, a grisly and fearsome monster, who was long ago trapped in his gruesome form by an enchantress. The only way for the Beast to become human once again is if he learns to love and be loved in return.Veronica Washington will be playing Belle in “Beauty and The Beast." She returns for her second season here at the playhouse. Veronica is originally from Lake Worth, Florida and is getting ready to graduate from Mississippi State University.
- Venue:
Bigfork Summer Playhouse
526 Electric AveBigfork, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
$35 Adults, $30 seniors, $21 children, $28 military
- Date(s):
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Music Performing Arts Theatre