The Bozeman Doc Series presents a special Earth Day event featuring the new documentary from National Geographic and local producers Grizzly Creek Films, Path of the Panther. Drawn in by the haunting specter of the Florida panther, photographer Carlton Ward and a coalition of biologists, ranchers, conservationists, and Indigenous Peoples find themselves on the front lines of an accelerating battle between forces of renewal and destruction that have pushed the Everglades to the brink of ecological collapse. Path of the Panther chronicles the struggle to protect the panther’s habitat, and to ensure the survival of one of Florida’s most iconic species.
The film )7 p.m.) will be preceded by a reception in the Emerson ballroom featuring food and drink, Earth Day related information and opportunities presented by local conservation groups, and the annual Bozeman Doc Series silent auction.
Director Eric Bendick will attend and take part in a Q&A after the film.
- Venue:
Emerson Center Crawford Theater
111 South Grand AvenueBozeman, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
$10 general admission, $8 for students
- Date(s):
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Films