Busy Beavers: Using Low-tech Stream Restoration Techniques to Restore Riparian Areas

Mar 12


Partners and Public Lands Seminar Series: Conversations with BLM Missoula Field Office featuring Speakers Claire Romanko (BLM), Tess Scanlon (Trout Unlimited), and more TBA.
Beavers are having a moment. Scientists and land managers alike have caught the beaver fever. As attendees will hear from BLM and partners with Trout Unlimited, National Wildlife Federation, and Clark Fork Coalition, there are many merits to using low-tech process-based restoration techniques for stream restoration to help restore stream function and hold back the snowpack for greater drought resiliency.
Highlighted will be the science behind these treatments, and some recent project success stories.
Enjoy a complimentary beer with the lecture.

  • Date(s):
    • Wed, March 12 - 7-8 p.m.