Collision of Rhythm

May 1

Collision of Rhythm is a duo comprised of tap-dancing classical virtuoso, Aaron Williams, and beatbox-juggling musician, Bronkar Lee. Though there are only two of them, they fill the stage as a 12-person ensemble would, moving from instrument to instrument with a high level of skill and diversity in a show that has been described as “Stomp meets Blue Man meets Cirque du Soleil”. With drumming, tap dancing, rhythmic juggling, marimba, piano, saxophone, flute and so much more, this unique show is like nothing else out there - choreographed musical pieces, audience interaction, humor, and personal stories that make this show all at once captivating, inspiring, and flat-out extraordinary. Collision of Rhythm have been featured on The Tonight Show, America’s Got Talent, and SuperBowl commercials and tour around the globe spreading their pure joy of music and rhythm.

  • Date(s):
    • Thu, May 1 - 7:30 p.m.