Exhibition: The Botany of Math(re); Further into the Weeds by Susie Mathre

Feb 3 - Apr 30


In the Jessie Wilbur Gallery: Susie Mathre is an artist living and working in Bozeman. As the daughter of botanists, she spent many hours in the family garden and also enjoyed exploring all things mechanical. She attended the University of Oregon, where she majored in fine art, taking a variety of studio classes, including printmaking, photography, letterpress printing and fiber arts. She graduated with a BFA in Fiber Arts in 1989.
Before becoming a full-time artist, she worked for the Community Food Co-op in Bozeman for over 20 years designing and fabricating signs and creating limited edition letterpress posters. She was fortunate to acquire a Vandercook Universal 1 letterpress in the early 1990s, (and thousands of pounds of lead type) which she currently uses in conjunction with metals, encaustic wax, and plant materials.

  • Tickets:
  • Free
  • Date(s):
    • Exhibition runs Feb. 3-Apr. 30