Featured Artists: Karen Tanner and Pat Branting

Aug 9 - Oct 31

LT Pick

Zoot Art Gallery presents a joint exhibition for artists Karen Tanner and Pat Branting.
Painting through the Montana seasons produced a new conceptual series for Tanner. The color palette reflects the weather and environment we all share, and maybe at times endure. But look further: river water, fresh water fish and cairns of native rocks give the immediate title to the series, “”Aqua/Terra”,” but delve deeper with many more subtle layers to the pieces.
The joy of painting for Branting is found in using the texture of the paint, the variety of brush strokes and color to create the drama of the subject. Visually searching for large abstract shapes, a path into the painting and focal area, are what makes the process of painting continually exciting and challenging for her.

  • Date(s):
    • through October