Monday Pint Nights to Benefit KGLT

Oct 2 - Oct 23


Friends of KGLT is the non profit of the month at MAP Brewing. The first four Mondays of October will benefit KGLT. October 2nd, meet the DJ’s and sign-up for the Apprentice Class to become a DJ. October 9th, $1.00 a beer goes to FOKGLT (50 cents a beer on other Mondays) and buy old SWAG from KGLT. October 16th is Apprentice sign-up and a mug raffle. October 23rd, buy that old tee you’ve been looking for and wear your favorite tee as well. Plus, this year’s T-shirt contest. Sketchbooks will be available for anyone to jot down their ideas and work on them at home.

  • Tickets:
  • Free
  • Date(s):
    • 4-8 p.m. on the following dates: