family event at the St. Ignatius Park and Amphitheater starts off with a community breakfast from 8-10 a.m.provided by Brett Thoft Memorial Foundation (cost per person coming soon) along with a full lineup of vendors sharing their offerings all day. Music starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 11 p.m., with tunes by The Cronk Family at 9 a.m.,
Brenna Hyvonen at 10 a.m., Dan Dubuque at 11:30 a.m., Kelley, Benny and Caselli from 1-3 p.m. (, Halladay and Rob Quist from 4-6 p.m. ( and Shodown from 7-11 p.m. (
Food trucks are available from 11 a.m.-midnight and include Super Gyro, Janice Couture's famous Indian Tacos and 406 BBQ, as is a full-beverage bar. Starting at noon, St. Ignatius Cross Country will host a one-mile and 5K run; cornhole tourney and kids games.
- Venue:
St Ignatius Park and Ampitheater
St IgnatiusSt Ignatius, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
$20 per person 13 and older, $10 for ages 12-6 and free for 5 and under and cover one session or all
- Date(s):
- Region: