Mythic Creatures Folklore Speaker Series: "Mythic Creatures: Origin Stories" with Dr. Marie Nicole Pareja

Nov 15

For thousands of years, humans around the world have brought mythic creatures to life in stories, music, and works of art. Uncover the origins and significance of legendary creatures of the air, land, and water, such as dragons, mermaids, and Bigfoot, through the lenses of distinguished speakers in their fields. A meet-and-greet and light reception will follow the talks in the museum’s main lobby.
Dr. Pareja will explore the ancient origins and enduring significance of mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, and mermaids. These beings appear in Bronze Age art, suggesting they were part of early oral traditions even before written records. As civilizations like Mesopotamia, Greece, and the Indus Valley developed, these creatures were incorporated into their mythologies, reflecting societal values and ideals. Through archaeology, art history, and anthropology, uncover the earliest depictions and understand how these creatures symbolized concepts of power and heroism.

  • Tickets:
  • Free for members, $5/non-member
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