Presenting Prehistory: Ice Dinosaurs with Dr. Patrick Druckenmiller

Nov 7


Alaska preserves the northernmost dinosaurs to have ever walked Earth. University of Alaska Museum paleontologist Dr. Patrick Druckenmiller presents Ice Dinosaurs: Lessons from the Prince Creek Formation of Northern Alaska. Learn what it is like to collect fossils in the Arctic and what they can teach us about dinosaur physiology, reproduction, and paleoecology.
MOR's Presenting Prehistory: A Paleontology Lecture Series explores recent paleontological findings and current hypotheses as conveyed by scientists actively exploring how life on Earth has changed. Discoveries made by paleontologists continue to shed new light on the deep past of the planet and the creatures that arose here.
Refreshments will be provided post-lecture during the speaker meet-and-greet.
Hager Auditorium

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