The Missoula Children’s Theatre presents Rumplestiltskin, an original adaptation of the classic children's story. A strange little gnome appears from here, there and everywhere. He will spin your straw into gold...for a price. If his price is too steep, you must guess his name...RUMPELSTILTSKIN! Join in the fun of Festival Time and help Clara guess the mischievous little gnome's name. You will also encounter a Jester, Villagers, Wizards, a Queen, a King, Knights and a band of busy little Bees. This heart-warming tale of mischief and friendship answers more questions than just "What is that little man's name?”
- Venue:
MCT Center for the Performing Arts
200 N. Adams St.Missoula, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
- Date(s):
- Fri, March 21 - 5 and 7 p.m.
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Performing Arts Theatre