Soles of the Flathead showcases the community's talent through an extravaganza dance competition featuring prominent local figures paired with local dance instructors, creating captivating performances. The evening will commence with an electrifying reception featuring live pop up performances by talented local performers throughout the stunning Wachholz College Center. Guests will indulge in exquisite hors d'oeuvres crafted by Chef Ironside, engage in a lively silent auction, and enjoy a cash bar, all while mingling with local celebrities and influencers. Appetizers provided by Chef Ironside. Benefit for the Flathead Warming Center
- Venue:
Wachholz College Center
795 Grandview DriveKalispell, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
- Date(s):
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Dance Events Performing Arts