Super Book Sunday

Feb 9


Tote bags will be for sale and a plethora of books to fill them with. Buy a tote bag, fill it with as many books as you like, and support Indigipalooza MT. This is the perfect opportunity to discover new authors, find treasures, have a good beer, and visit with fellow book lovers. Grab a bunch of books and fill a growler to take to a Super Bowl party or (if you aren’t into the sportsball thing) home to enjoy while perusing your book haul.  
Indigipalooza MT is a new indigenous writing and arts festival brought to Missoula thanks to the collaborative efforts of Chickadee Community Services, Chris La Tray, and the Missoula Public Library. They already have a slew of fantastic indigenous authors, artists, and vendors lined up- including three-term US poet laureate, Joy Harjo.

  • Tickets:
  • Free
  • Date(s):