The Bozeman Film Society presents this special screening. When cowboy Lefty Brown (Bill Pullman) witnesses the murder of his longtime partner the newly-elected Senator Edward Johnson (Peter Fonda) he strikes out to find the killers and avenge his friend’s gruesome death. Jared Moshe (writer/director) and Bill Pullman (Lefty Brown) will be in attendance for the screening and a catered reception from 5:30-7:15 p.m. in the Weaver Gallery. The action-packed western was shot in Virginia City and Bannack State Park with a local cast and crew.
- Venue:
Emerson Center Crawford Theater
111 South Grand AvenueBozeman, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
$15 for screening and $30 for the reception and film
- Date(s):
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Films