The Peace of Wild Things ONLINE Exhibit Opening

Jul 31

LT Pick Free

Join Radius Gallery on Facebook and Instagram LIVE for the opening of its new exhibition, "Peace of the Wild Things."
The gallery’s new exhibition celebrates nature’s serenity, vitality and capacity for renewal, featuring artworks by Brooke Borcherding, Tabby Ivy, Michael Kline, Louise Lamontagne and Bobbie McKibbin.
The title of the exhibition is derived from a poem by Wendell Berry, which reads in part:
When despair for the world grows in me/ and I wake in the night at the least sound/ in fear of what my life and my children’’s lives may be,/ I go and lie down where the wood drake/ Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great/ heron feeds./ I come into the peace of/ the wild things

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