The Tortoise Versus the Hare

Mar 31

LT Pick

Somewhere in desert country, the inhabitants of West Sandy Bottoms are preparing for the highlight of their year – the annual race between the Mammals and the Reptiles.
The Hare’s weasely managers brag about their racing star as the various reptiles assemble to choose their candidate. Fan clubs are preparing their cheers as the big day draws near.
The audience sees the race through the eyes of a TV news team covering the event. As the race proceeds, a tiny bunny is lost in the wilds of Tornado Gulch and almost miraculously, the mammals and reptiles join in the search together.
The wisdom of the old tortoise and the lesson learned by the cocky hare remind us all that it’s easy to get along, if you just try. In the end, the animals realize the folly of their ways and live happily together in their sandy home.

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