Torrents presents: Women: A Force of Nature

May 3


The Confluence Center’s art program Torrents is thrilled to support Earth Within Girls with their Inaugural Art Auction, Women: A Force of Nature.
Step into a world where women embrace the rhythms of nature, and where cyclical empowerment takes root in the exploration of plant wisdom and self- and community-care at Earth Within Girls' inaugural Art Auction Fundraiser. The immersive experience will allow attendees to intimately engage with the showcased art, bid on the auction items, and learn more about Earth Within Girls.
There will be stunning artwork, wellness items, fitness, and restaurant gift cards for silent auction. The art will be available for viewing and bidding through the entire month of May, and the Confluence Center exhibition will continue online through the auction platform until May 31st.

  • Tickets:
  • Free
  • Date(s):