Drink & Draw Vegetables with Garden City Harvest

Aug 10


The ZACC & Western Cider are teaming up with Garden City Harvest for Drink & Draw Vegetables. They’re not just for eating vegetables have been inspiring gorgeous still lifes for centuries. Bright orange carrots, deep purple beets and eggplants, rich green and delightfully textured broccoli, gorgeous floweresque cabbage heads what’s not to LOVE here?
Folks from Garden City Harvest will be tabling at the event with more information about their expansive farm-to-table programs. ZACC staff will be on hand for art-related questions and guidance, and the ZACC provides drawing materials for free.
Vegetable-related books (i.e. cookbooks)will also be on hand to inspire attendees’ drawings and future dinners. This free community art event is fun for the whole family, and open to all ages and skill levels.

  • Tickets:
  • Free
  • Date(s):