Middle School Girls’ STEEM Summer Institute: Zoology

Jul 14 - Jul 18

LT Pick

The STEEM Program provides middle school girls with a professional mentorship opportunity while simultaneously building their confidence and competence in the sciences.
The Summer Institute focuses on a different STEEM topic each week. The week is spent building trust, confidence, and courage in the fields of science, technology, engineering, environment, and math. Activities include hands-on experiential learning opportunities with leaders in STEEM fields, practice in science communication, and setting personal goals for professional and academic careers.
In Zoology week, young women will explore a passion for wildlife, biodiversity, and the exciting field of zoology.
In this camp, participants will embark on a thrilling adventure, diving deep into the realms of animal biology, behavior, and conservation. Engaging workshops, hands-on activities, and interactive sessions led by experienced zoologists will provide a comprehensive understanding of the diverse and incredible creatures that share our planet.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore anatomy, physiology, and taxonomy through exciting experiments and dissections. From learning about the adaptations of different species to understanding animal habitats and ecosystems, the camp offers a holistic approach to zoological sciences.
Field trips to wildlife research areas and natural habitats will provide participants with firsthand experiences and opportunities to explore wildlife. Guest speakers, including accomplished women in the field of zoology, will share their expertise and inspire girls to envision themselves as future leaders in the study and conservation of wildlife.

  • Tickets:
  • $315 for members, $335 for non-members includes an overnight
  • Date(s):
    • 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on the following dates:
    • Mon, July 14
    • Tue, July 15
    • Wed, July 16
    • ... and 2 more days through Fri, July 18