The Nature Detectives Summer Camp is where young explorers embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the mysteries of the great outdoors. This camp is designed to ignite the curiosity and passion for nature, and foster a deep connection with the environment through exciting and educational activities.
Camp age groups are as follows:
Pre-K Kindergarten*
1st 2nd Grade
3rd 5th Grade
*4 and up: Must be able to use the restroom independently and without accidents.
Camps run from 9:30-3:30. Before and aftercare is available for free for those who need it (no extra charge, no additional registration) from 8:30-9:30 & 3:30-5:30.
- Venue:
Montana Natural History Center
120 Hickory Street #AMissoula, MT
- Info:
- Tickets:
$345 for members, $365 for non-members
- Date(s):
- 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on the following dates:
- Mon, June 9
- Tue, June 10
- Wed, June 11
- ... and 2 more days through Fri, June 13
- Region:
- Type(s):
- Conferences Sports & Recreation Workshops