Spring 2025 Master Naturalist Certification II Course

Feb 13 - May 15

This course is for anyone who has certified as a Master Naturalist in Montana or elsewhere or has the professional/academic background to begin with a level II course. This level II certification course consists of at least 40 hours of instruction in a mix of lectures, in-class labs, and outdoor field trips. The course will build on the foundations established in Master Naturalist level I course by advancing skills in topics such as birding, geology and nature journalling, and by delving into new subjects such as aquatic invertebrates, winter adaptations, and foraging.
The course will be taught by an amazing selection of instructors, all experts in their field. Visit the UM Flight Lab, catch aquatic invertebrates, practice nature journaling with renowned artists, go birding by ear, forage cottonwood buds, make an herbarium sheet, and so much more in these 13 weeks.

  • Date(s):
    • 12 weeks, Thursdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (no class March 20)