Summer Art Camps: Behind the Mask: Papier Mâché Sculpting

Jul 21 - Jul 25

Children ages 10-12.
Inspired by sci-fi and mythology, students will use their imaginations to create original character stories, masks, and props. Theatre games (optional) will spark participants creativity while they experiment with clay and papier mâché. This camp is perfect for 3D art lovers as well as movers and actors.

  • Tickets:
  • $100 members, $125 non-members/ week. Scholarships available
  • Date(s):
    • 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on the following dates:
    • Mon, July 21
    • Tue, July 22
    • Wed, July 23
    • ... and 2 more days through Fri, July 25