Writers' Room: “Excavating Your Story”, Fiction with Caroline Patterson

Oct 16 - Nov 6

Course Description: Participants in this workshop will be writing short fiction, reading published work and studying structure, style, point of view, and the techniques of fiction. On top of short generative exercises each week, the class will share work with one another in order to help each other write their best stories.
Instructor: Caroline Patterson served as the executive director of the Missoula Writing Collaborative for 9 years. She has published a story collection, Ballet at the Moose Lodge, a literary anthology, A Million Acres, Montana Women Writers: A Geography of the Heart, and her novel The Stone Sister won the Big Moose Prize.

  • Date(s):
    • 6-7:30 p.m. on the following dates:
    • (1 past date(s) beginning Wed, October 16)
    • Wed, October 23
    • Wed, October 30
    • Wed, November 6